It is the policy of Cumberland County Hospital (including BF Taylor and Flowers Rural Health Clinics and Cumberland County EMS) to provide the best possible healthcare services without discrimination, to all persons in our service area without regard to sex, economic status, educational background, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, medical condition, marital status, registered domestic partner status, or source of payment for care, including screening and transfer requirements under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), while maintaining fiscal responsibility.
This is a summary of our Financial Assistance Policy. CCH accept and bill insurance and collect co-pays and coinsuranceas applicable. When appropriate, we will work with patients to set up payment arrangements, assist with applications for financial assistance and provide certain discounts for any amounts for which the patient may be responsible. Patients who are unable to pay will be referred to the Patient Financial Assistance Office to determine eligibility for enrollment in Kentucky Medicaid, DSH Program, or the CCH Charity Care Program. No person eligible for financial assistance under the FAP will be charged more for medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering such care (AGB). CCH determines that AGB is determined by the outpatient service reimbursement rate on the most recently received Medicare cost-report settlement letter. Patients without health insurance, or patient balances for patient responsibility portions, who pay within 30 days of the date of their first statement will be eligible for a 25% Prompt Payment discount.
Patients who are self-pay or who have self-pay portions of bills will be offered assistance with an application for the DSH and Charity Program. DSH qualification is set at 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. If determined to be eligible, 100% of the charges will be covered by DSH.Patients who do not qualify for DSH may qualify for the Charity Care Program.To qualify, a patient’s family income must be not more than 150% of the Federal Poverty Level. Patients who qualify for this program will be given a 100% discount on the charged amount, provided that those who meet this requirement attempt to apply for Medicaid (or have provided a denial letter) before any charity care is considered.
Further information on this hospitals Financial Assistance and Charity Program may be found at
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